A tasty mouthful from the Wadden Sea
Tonnisgaard hotdogB

Wadden Sea Hotdog

Strandengene på Rømø er kraftigt påvirket af havet, hvilket giver urterne, der vokser der, en helt særlig smag. Du kan ikke nævne marsken, uden at tænke på marsklam. Og du kan ikke gå en tur i heden på Rømø, uden at dufte den vilde timian. Alt dette har vi samlet i vores vadehavshotdog. En smagfuld lækkerbisken fra Vadehavet – velbekomme!

The beach meadows on Rømø are very exposed to the sea, so the herbs and plants that live there gets a very special taste. You cannot talk about the marsh, without your mind crossing the delicious salt marsh lamb. And you cannot go for a walk on the heath on Rømø without smelling the lovely scent of wild thyme. We have combined all of this in our Wadden Sea hotdogs. A tasty mouthful from the Wadden Sea – Bon appetite!

Come with us out and experience the salt meadows, with the interesting and exciting herbs and plants, that are adapted to this special salty environment. We collect some herbs that we will use back at Tønnisgård, when we prepare the Wadden Sea hotdogs in our barbecue hut.

The tour includes a foraging walk on the beach meadows - which we will be driving to in our own cars and afterwards a cozy time when we prepare the food in our barbeque hut. We prepare 2 Wadden Sea hotdogs for each person.

Det er en god ide at tage tøj på til en time ude i den fri natur. Gerne vandrestøvler eller gummistøvler
3 hour(s)
1,5 km.

For refundering af billet, skal afbud ske senest 7 dage før turstart.